58 pages [St. Armadel Ch. (Kagetora)] Dai Ichi Oujo Konoeshidan 2 - The First Royal Princess Of Guards Division 2 (Gundam Wing)
55 pages (C81) [Shoryutei, St. Armadel Ch. (Shoryutei Enraku, Kagetora)] Bakemonogatari Hon Soushuuhen (Bakemonogatari)
35 pages [Shouryuutei, Studio Nama (Kagetora, Shouryuutei Enraku)] Servant of Zero (Zero no Tsukaima)
23 pages [Kagetora] Dai Ichi Oujo Konoeshidan -The First Royal Princess Of Guards Division- 2 (Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing (New Mobile Report Gundam Wing) / Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
22 pages (CR35) [St Armadel Ch (Kagetora)] Corsa violenta di comportamento del Triela naughty della sorella del elder / Elder Sister Triela's Violent Race Behaviour (Gunslinger Girl)
42 pages (SC32) [St. Armadel Ch., Shoryutei (Kagetora, Shoryutei Enraku)] HOATA (Fate/hollow ataraxia)