25 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Hatarakitakunai Malin-chan wa Kyuukei (Imishin) ga Shitai (Azur Lane) [Digital]
26 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Shikikaan... Omata... Sawattee... (Azur Lane) [Chinese] [急支糖浆个人汉化] [Digital]
24 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Yo wa Nagato Juushou (Teokure) no Nagato de Aru (Azur Lane) [Chinese] [糖浆个人翻译] [Digital]
22 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Kire Chirakashi nagara mo, Nandakanda to Sensei no Iu Koto Kiite Kureru Neru Paisen no Hon | A Book Where Even Though Neru Gets Angry She Still Listens to What Sensei Says (Blue Archive) [English] [Digital]
31 pages (C104) [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Kire Chirakashi nagara mo, Nandakanda to Sensei no Iu Koto Kiite Kureru Neru Paisen no Hon | 雖然滿不樂意,卻不知不覺就按老師說的做了的尼祿前輩的故事 (Blue Archive) [Chinese]
26 pages (C104) [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Kire Chirakashi nagara mo, Nandakanda to Sensei no Iu Koto Kiite Kureru Neru Paisen no Hon (Blue Archive) [Chinese]
26 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Kire Chirakashi nagara mo, Nandakanda to Sensei no Iu Koto Kiite Kureru Neru Paisen no Hon (Blue Archive) [Digital]
24 pages (C104) [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Kire Chirakashi nagara mo, Nandakanda to Sensei no Iu Koto Kiite Kureru Neru Paisen no Hon (Blue Archive)
24 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)]Yo wa Nagato Juushou (Teokure) no Nagato de Aru(Azur Lane)(Chinese)[糖浆个人翻译][DL]
27 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Nanto Ougi (Saimin) ni shita Hou ga Ii desu ne!! | 看来要使用奥义(催眠术)才是正确答案的样子呢!! (Azur Lane) [Chinese] [欶澜汉化组] [Digital]
26 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Nanto Ougi (Saimin) ni shita Hou ga Ii desu ne!! (Azur Lane) [Digital]
27 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Yarakashi Tashkent o Tashkent!! (Azur Lane) [Chinese] [白杨汉化组] [Digital]
26 pages [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Nanto Ougi (Saimin) ni shita Hou ga Ii desu ne!! (Azur Lane) [Digital]
26 pages (C102) [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Nanto Ougi (Saimin) ni shita Hou ga Ii desu ne!! (Azur Lane) [Chinese] [航線啟動漢化組]
20 pages (C83) [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Shinsekai Yuri (Shinsekai Yori) [English] [Neglected Subs Translations]
26 pages (C96) [Stylish Marunage (Patricia)] Hatarakitakunai Malin-chan wa Kyuukei (Imishin) ga Shitai (Azur Lane) [English]