108 pages [MTL english ] [GREAT Acta (tokyo)] Horn no Majo Tsukamaeta (Arc The Lad) [toriitranslate.com cgpt4.0+gemini2.0]
23 pages (C95) [Pan to Butterfly. (Tokei Usagi)] Ecchi Shinai to Derarenai Dungeon nite | The Dungeon You Can‘t Leave Unless You Do Lewd Things (Arc The Lad 2)
98 pages (Futaket 17) [Noushuku Kangen Teikoku! (Nekookaji Tayo, S, Yoshida)] Mitsubachi to Ada Hana Kouhen (Arc the Lad)
38 pages (C86) [Great Acta (tokyo)] Ore no Yome-san ni Natte! 500000G (Arc The Lad) [Chinese] [不可视汉化]